Tuesday, 12 February 2013

baca seerah.. youll be fine.

Tadi read seerah with ayah and family.

About Aisyah R.A and rasulAllah S.A.W ..

How lovely they are...

Ayah listens me reading it out loud.. 

" fasbir, sabran jameela" 


Thursday, 7 February 2013


Ummi and I...

Sharing the same interest now..


Tuesday, 5 February 2013

I need Allah.

Pendosa yg ingin berubah,
Imannya.. berbolak balik.

Hari ini seperti juara.
Sekejap cuma.
Terus terhina.

Seperti apa sahaja nilai taubatku ini?

Rasa tak bernilai di hadapanmu Tuhan..

i REALLY need you..Allah.

Be  with me...

please. dont leave.