Sunday 24 July 2011

i've done a huge mistake.if only i could turn back time..


as human, everybody do mistakes in their life.. big..small..purpose.. not in purpose..

but the most important is our choice and decision after realizing, oh, it was a mistake..

some people take responsibility of their mistake.

some people escape from the mistake as if nothing ever happen.

and from my opinion..both are depends on the mistake that you've done..

if it just involving ourself and God, be repentance.

BUT.. if it involves other people, we MUST ask forgiveness from the person and take responsibility on everything impacted from our mistake.

“Sesiapa yang ada padanya kezaliman terhadap saudaranya (muslim yang lain); seperti terhadap maruah dan selainnya, mintalah halal pada hari ini sebelum tiba waktu yang tiada dinar dan dirham (tiada harta iaitu pada Hari Kiamat). Sekiranya baginya kebaikan (amalan soleh) maka akan diambil darinya dengan kadar kezalimannya. Jika tiada baginya kebaikan, maka akan diambil dosa orang yang dizalimi lalu ditanggung ke atasnya” (Riwayat al-Bukhari).

The choice and decision that we will choose, must be referred to the Quran and Sunnah.. mesyuwarah with the right 'alima.. even if we are knowledgeable or hafiz al-Quran, it does not make us safe from the shaitan's incitement .. ask Allah to guide us and show us the true decision..

Don't be selfish.. Allah knows what is it in our heart... and if it is not good for us, Allah will never permits it to happen..

we can try as much to hide.. escape.. and lie to everyone in this whole life covering our mistake.. or even force other people to take responsibility of our mistake.

BUT always remember.. Allah is watching and all our irresponsible action will not safe us from the du'a by the people we have suffered..

“Takutlah kamu doa orang yang dizalimi, sesungguh antaranya dengan Allah tiada sebarang hijab (penghalang)” (Riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)"

Tiada siapa antara kita yang dapat menyelamatkan dirinya dari hukuman Tuhan. Seseorang mungkin telah melupai orang yang dizaliminya, atau si mangsa juga mungkin terlupa, atau pergi menemui Ilahi terlebih dahulu. Namun doanya tetap hidup. Akan ada waktu, ia tetap datang bertandang dalam kehidupan si zalim; meragut kebahagiaannya, ketenteraman hidupnya dan mencampakkan derita dalam pelbagai warna dan rupa. Mungkin si zalim ketika itu terpinga dan bertanya ‘apakah salah saya?’. Dia terlupa bahawa Tuhan tidak lupa atas kezalimannya, di dunia dan akhirat sana. -drmaza-

standard style of forgiving.......Forgive by trying as much as you can to forget the mistakes done..some people they choose to forget the people, it will be easier rather than forgetting their mistakes..

But for me, give forgiveness as much as you want people to forgive much as you want Allah to forgive your sins. Pray Allah will make you forget it as it is easy for Him because our heart belong to Him.

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