Wednesday 11 May 2011

zaman sekolah

masa saya darjah 3, saya masih ingat kerja rumah yang cikgu berikan.. tajuknya " sang semut "..saya sangat beriya - iya menulis dengan ejaan yang salah dan imaginasi yang bermacam-macam.. tetapi saya juga masih ingat setiap bulatan merah hampir penuh satu muka surat yang cikgu lakukan terhadap karangan pertama saya.. setiap satu ejaan saya yang salah akan dibulatkan..

sang semut itu sangat cntik....sesetengah orang akan lupa bila minum air yang ada semut, ini kerana ada cecair yang dikeluarkan dari semut yang boleh membuatkan manusia lupa (MANA AWAK TAHU?!!!!)

pada usia 9 tahun,hati saya hancur bila penuh bulat merah2 pada karangan yang saya tulis sepenuh hati saya..kemudian saya belajar satu perkara,kita tak boleh mencuba berimaginasi atau buat apa - apa silap, nanti cikgu bulat merah besar2..

pada usia 12 tahun...markah pendidikan agama saya seorang B dalam kelas.. sedih sangat.. saya tengok kertas jawapan ujian.. lama sangat..

Senaraikan jawapan berikut mengikut jenis dosa kecil dan dosa besar

Merokok, Judi, Zina, Syirik, Membunuh.

jawapan saya : sesuatu dosa itu hanya Allah yang boleh hakimi besar atau kecil, tetapi manusia akan dinilai melalui tahap KEINGKARANnya terhadap larangan Allah setelah ia telah TAHU. sebab nilai keingkaran iaitu nilai dosa bagi setiap muslim ada berbeza..contoh orang muslim yang dah 20 tahun dengan orang yang baru memeluk Islam semalam.


saya salah sebab saya tak hafal jawapan skema..oo kalau nak dapat A kena jawab ikut skema buku teks..

Form 4 dan form 5 tahun kritikal sebab kena ambil addmath.. tengok kawan- kawan semua tenggelam dalam buku.. saya tengok add math dan selalu tanya diri saya sendiri.. kenapa la kena belajar addmath ni..cikgu kata.. kalau awak dapat A addmath dalam SPM, apply la mana2 ..mesti dapat punya.. ini subjek core..saya suka ponteng addmath,sbb dia selalu cacatkan result sy.. sepanjang tingkatan 5,2 bulan setengah je hadir kelas.. mathmod pun sama.. sampai cikgu saya cakap " kebarangkalian hidayah pergi ke sekolah adalah 1 dari 5" ^_^

sekarang saya da 21 tahun 5 bulan..saya nak bagitahu dekat cikgu darjah 3 saya, cecair yang saya cakap tu namanya asid formik..

saya nak bagitahu cikgu darjah 6 saya bahawa kefahaman adalah rukun pertama mendapat n menyampaikan ilmu, sanggup tak dia bertanggungjawab kepada tanda pangkah dia pd jawapan sy yang mungkin boleh memesongkan aqidah sy ketika itu, sedang jawapan saya betul.

saya nak bagitahu kat cikgu matematik saya, matematik tak menghafal..matematik eksplorasi..kalau benar lah saya lembab dalam math, saya lah kayu ukur kejayaan cikgu..alhamdulillah, dengan izin Allah, wajar dengan kemalasan dan kepontengan kelas, result SPM addmath saya c5.. cikgu, saya pun dapat masuk universiti.. malah berpeluang untuk bertukar berbagai bidang..

hurm..kadang- kadang, saya setuju dengan kata- kata dalam sebuah cerita " itulah pentingnya english education"

you tube lagu dekat bawah ni, you will understand what i am trying to say.

By: Zain Bikha,Dawud Wharnsby Ali, Muhammed Bhikha & Rashid Bhikha ( Fakazi Ngwekazi (Nhlanhla), Linda Gcwensa & Mfana Nxumalo (Sipho).
Title : Flowers are red

A little boy went first day at school
He got some crayons and he started to draw
He put colors all over the paper
For colors was what he saw
The teacher said, "What you doin' young man?"
"I'm paintin' flowers see"
"Well this is not the time for art young man
And anyway flowers are green and red
There's a time for everything young man
a way it should be done
You've got to show concern for everyone else
For you're not the only one"
And she said...
"Flowers are red
Green leaves are green
There's no need to see flowers any other way
Than they way they always have been seen "
But the little boy said...
"There are so many colors in the rainbow
So many colors in the morning sun
So many colors in the flower and I see every one"
Well the teacher said… "You're sassy
There's a way that things should be
And you'll paint flowers the way they are
So repeat after me..."
she said...

"Flowers are red
Green leaves are green
There's no need to see flowers any other way
Than they way they always have been seen "
But the little boy said again...
"There are so many colors in the rainbow
So many colors in the morning sun
So many colors in the flower and I see every one"
Well the teacher put him in a corner
She said… "It's for your own good…
And you won't come out 'til you get it right
responding like you should"
Well finally he got lonely
Frightened thoughts filled his head
And he went up to that teacher
And this is what he said
"Flowers are red, green leaves are green
There's no need to see flowers any other way
Than the way they always have been seen"

Well time went by like it always does
he moved to another town
And the little boy went to another school
And this is what he found
The teacher there was smilin'
She said..."Painting should be fun
And there are so many colors in a flower
So let's paint every one"
that little boy painted flowers
In neat rows of green and red
And when the teacher asked him "why"

This is what he said..
"Flowers are red, green leaves are green
There's no need to see flowers any other way
Than the way they always have been seen."
But there must still be a way to have our children say,
There are so many colors in the rainbow
So many colors in the morning sun
So many colors in the flower and I see every one
There are so many colors in the rainbow
So many colors in the morning sun
So many colors in the flower and I see every one

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