Sunday 22 May 2011

jiwe kacau lah der~

tetiba dah nak masuk bulan june~

rasa mcm.. ah lah mak ai~ mcm2 lagi tak selesai..untuk research, result tak analize lagi.. findings berterabur.. tapi bila kembali pada niat,tahu matlamat mana yg penting.. datang UK bukan untuk bercuti.. ada misi yang harus diselesaikan..rasa sentap, sebab cepatnya masa berlalu..

tatkala jiwa kacau mula menyinggah.. mulut dan tangan mulalah gatal nak bersembang.. konon nak sharing isi hati dan mengurangkan beban~ tapi everytime nak buka mulut..selalu buat tanda STOP! atas kepala..what do you expect? people will listen to you all the way? get a life lah~ orang lain lagi serabot otak der.

then i realize,how much i miss my friends along my life..a friend that can say " hey, don't feel sad.. don't give up.. persevere..a problem is only a problem when you think it is a problem"
and understand without even need me to explain..a friend who listen more.. and only speaks the right words on the right time.. guess i am growing up..i must learn to listen myself..stop depending on people..

ada sahabat memberi jawapan yg cukup terkesan di hati..

"Wahai sekalian orang-orang yang beriman! Mintalah pertolongan (untuk menghadapi susah payah dalam menyempurnakan sesuatu perintah Tuhan) dengan bersabar dan dengan (mengerjakan) sembahyang; kerana sesungguhnya Allah menyertai (menolong) orang-orang yang sabar."(surah al baqarah : 153)

Masa kecil, saya banyak cakap.. and i've been talking to so many people.. but now, i don't enjoy talking anymore.. tired i i grow up,i observe more..and always reserve what i want to say..sometimes i get tired of thinking what to say and at last i kept silent..

my intention of writing this blog is to express my feelings but in a wise way.. i don't expect high traffic ..i just want to talk... in this way,i don't need to think a lot before i talk,because i don't know who will read / listen..and i feel more relief.. with the understanding, nobody will get hurts..hopefully, inshaAllah..

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